Rhonda Smith is a Senior Lecturer in the Economics Department at the University of Melbourne. Her research and teaching activities relate mainly to competition policy and law. Rhonda is regularly engaged by private parties to provide economic input, particularly in relation to mergers and Part IV litigation. She has acted both as an expert and strategic witness in many major competition matters.
Rhonda is a former ACCC Commissioner, was a member of the Copyright Law Reform Committee, and is presently a member of the Australian Copyright Tribunal. She is a lay member of the High Court of New Zealand, and has recently been appointed to the Commonwealth Consumer Advisory Committee. Rhonda is also a member of the Law Council of Australia’s Competition and Consumer Law Committee and the Melbourne Law School’s Competition Law and Economics Network.
- (with Alexandra Merrett) “Playing favourites: the competition effects of preferred customer arrangements” (2011) 7 European Competition Journal 179
- “Market definition: Going, going, gone? Developments in the United States” (2010) 18 Competition and Consumer Law Journal 119
- (with Stephen P King) “The shaky economic foundations of consumer protection policy and law” (2010) 18 Competition and Consumer Law Journal 71
- (with David K Round) “Temporal considerations and entry: sunk costs, scale economies and strategic behaviour” (2009) 17 Competition and Consumer Law Journal 176
- (with Arlen Duke and David K Round) “Signalling, collusion and s45 of the Trade Practices Act” (2009) 17 Competition and Consumer Law Journal 22
- (with George Hay) “Why can’t a woman be more like a man? American and Australian approaches to exclusionary conduct” (2007) Melbourne University Law Review 1099
- (with Rachel Trindade) “Modernising Australian merger analysis” (2007) 35 Australian Business Law Review 358
- (with George A Hay and Alexandra Merrett) “Predatory buying: the Weyhaueser decision and its implications for Australia” (2007) 15 Competition and Consumer Journal 199
- (with Stephen King) “Does competition law adequately protect consumers?” (2007) 28 European Competition Law Review 412
- (with David K Round and Rachel Trindade) “Integrating strategic behaviour into competition analysis” (2007) 52 Antitrust Bulletin 633
- (with Alexandra Merrett) “Auctions, exclusive contracts and competition for the market” (2007) 3 European Competition Journal 163
- (with Rachel Trindade) (2007) “A review of the ACCC’s Media Mergers Guideline” (2007) 14 Competition and Consumer Journal 281